Poet’s Palette | Colors for Imagery

Weber Wong
2 min readSep 12, 2019

Collection of color names that facilitate vivid imagery.


“Red” | Ruby, Scarlet, Burgundy, Crimson, Brick, Incarnadine, Rose, Tulip, Wine, Sauvignon, Raspberry, Strawberry, Blood, Infrared, Vermillion, Saffron, Paprika, Inferno, Lava

“Blue” | Azure, Lapis Lazuli, Indigo, Navy, Mediterranean Ocean, Sea, Teal, Rain, Cyan, Cerulean, Neptune, Ice, Turquoise, Diamond, Cobalt, Blueberry

“Purple” | Ultramarine, Tulip, Violet, Ultraviolet, Lavender, Rosemary, Fuschia, Grape, Berry, Mauve, Satin, Roman Royalty

“Pink” | Pastel, Hot Pink, Rosé, Rose Gold, Salmon, Petal, Lilac, Orchid, Carnation, Coral, Peach, Melon, Flourine

“Green” | Verdant, Lush, Forest, Leaf, Fern, Moss, Organic, Overgrowth, Arbor, Evergreen, Pasture, Marijuana, Tea, Clover, Shamrock, Mint, Parsley, Thyme, Basil, Oregano, Kiwi, Celadon, Jade, Emerald, Veridian, Dewey

“Yellow–Brown” | Daisy, Mango, Lime, Lemon, Golden, Chalice, Champagne, Blond[e], Cigarette, Ambrosia, Tangerine, Desert, Sand, Starry, Sun, Venus, Sulfur, Copper, Bronze, Rust, Ginger, Cumin, Curry, Cinnamon, Almond, Hazel, Caramel, Tuscan, Leather, Tan, Khaki, Taupe, Autumn, Latte, Cafe-Au-Lait, Americano, Espresso

“White & It’s Variations” | Milky, Galactic, Translucent, Transparent, Cream, Vanilla, Eggshell, Pearl, Off-White, Beige, Tan, Toga, Silk, Toothpaste, Alabaster, Bone, Cloud, Fog, Mist, Powder, Dust, Soot, Ash, Snow, Salt, Cocaine, Apartheid

“Black & It’s Variations” | Opaque, Shadow, Shaded, Dotted, Twilight, Smoke, Obsidian, Carbon, Silver, Platinum, Cadmium, Iridium, Chromium, Titanium, Tungsten, Aluminum, Nickel, Silicon, Tin, Slate, Lead, Iron, Metal, Steel, Pewter, Stone, Rock, Pepper, Space, Midnight, Moon, Luna[r], Celestial, Mercury, Ebony, Melanin

“All/Nothing” | Iridiscent, Opalescent, Ombré, Psychadelic, Acid, LSD, Technicolor, Neon, Rainbow, Floral, Blossom, Springtime, Monochromatic

“Descriptors” | Vivid, Vibrant, Vivacious, Pure, Light, Dark, Deep, Off–[color], True–[color], Idyllic

“Ultimate Descriptors of Imagery” | Windows XP Background, Pokémon Kanto Region Town Names

